Saturday, December 22, 2007


Welcome to MUZ0 news today!
News worldwide:we wish all mu-ers and MUZ0 readers a Murry Christmus and Happy New Mu year.
Mu Hunting Ground:An sm afking at dungeon2 killed tons of Munsters before a hell hound passed away peacefully and blessed him with a jewel of bless.... Unfortunately, the jewel didn't bless him fully and were looted by looters.Mobiusz and Howtotrain!This is ridiculous and inccorigible!Later somuone bought the bless for 43m zen. Now the GMO POLICE FORCE are locating Mobiusz and Howtotrain.They are treated as refugees.The GMO POLICE FORCE will try their best to locate the two despicable looters... and return the sm his 43m zen rightfully.If u have any clues or witnessed the looting pls call MUZ0 and give us the info or call 63883389(Zaborgz) or 63846195(The0rigin).Once again The GMO POLICE FORCE AND GUARDS warn you killing is illegal in GMO.TY
Mu Bullying:Today a dk try to hurt an elf's bali(elf declined to be named)The elf called her fren(also dun wanna be namedzzz)to help and her bali defended himself.The dk bully continued to hurt elf's bali so she had no choice but called friend(The0rigin) to lend her a helping hand.The0rigin in order to uphold justice had to stop the dk and kill him.In a few cometfalls, the dk stop breathing and died.He wanted revenge against The0riginand ride his unicorn in style and came bck to the location and ACTUALLY IMPALED The0rigin. The0rigin wan simply furious but The0rigin took pity on him and simply burn him with hellfire and shock him with lightning...Once again The GMS and GMO POLICE FORCE sternly warn u tat if u bully Mu-tizens the consequences will be serious.If u see any incidents of bullying pls call MUZ0 News or (Zaborgz) at 63883389 or (The0rigin) at 63846195.
Mu news:%20grats every one lvling!Making good progress.We congratulate Howtotrain on lvl 47 and Mobiusz on lvling to 55. Thank you!
Mu market prices: soul 19m-21m chaos 1m-1.5m Bless 42m-45m Creation 24m-27m Life 75m

And tats the bottomline coz the gms says so. Thank you for reading MUZ0 news!

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