Friday, December 21, 2007

Lol the following jobs are :
Dark Wizard = uses magic against enemy/monsters .
Dark Knight = master at close range attacks.
Elf = uses bow/crossbow/summons monster to help u fight against enemy.
Dark Lord(HOHO!) = a master of attacks so strong that he can kill a dk( Dark Knight ) that is 20 levels above of him!
Magic Gladiator = a master of all spells . He can use all weapons , skills , and armour including his own !
When u become of a certain level , you can opt to advance to a greater job of your current job! ( Not applicable to dl ( Dark Lord ) and mg ( Magic Gladiator ).)
LVL1-149 LVL150-400
Dark knight = Blade Knight
Dark Wizard = Soul Master
Elf = Muse Elf
Dark Lord = Dark Lord
Magic Gladiator = Magic Gladiator
Oh ya , before I forget , you must have atlease a level 250 character in your account to create a dl! You must hav atlease a level 220 to create a mg!

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